

ADALAT XL is a long-acting antihypertensive agent that can be used for chronic stable angina and mild to moderate essential hypertension. It is contraindicated in patients with severe hypotension, heart failure, or left ventricular dysfunction. Read the health professional information, warnings, precautions, and clinical trials of ADALAT XL.

Adalat CC is a calcium channel blocker drug that lowers blood pressure and treats chest pain. Learn about its side effects, interactions, warnings, and how to take it safely.

Nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker that relaxes the muscles of your heart and blood vessels. It is used to treat hypertension and angina. It may cause serious heart problems and should not be used if you have severe coronary artery disease or a heart attack within the past 2 weeks. Learn more about nifedipine uses, dosage, side effects, interactions, and warnings.

Adalat CC is a calcium channel blocker that relaxes the muscles of your heart and blood vessels. It is used to treat hypertension or angina. It may cause serious side effects and interactions with other drugs. Learn more about warnings, dosage, and alternatives.

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1 tablet Adalat OROS 20 Satu kali sehari (1×20 mg/hari) 1 tablet Adalat OROS 30 satu kali sehari ( 1×30 mg/hari) 1 tablet Adalat OROS 60 satu kali sehari ( 1×60 mg/hari) Pada umumnya terapi dimulai dengan 30 mg satu kali sehari. Dosis awal 20 mg satu kali sehari dapat dipertimbangkan sesuai indikasi medis.

Adalat XL is a medication that belongs to the class of calcium channel blockers. It is used to treat high blood pressure and angina (chest pain). It relaxes blood vessels and reduces the number of angina attacks. It comes in different forms and dosages, and has some side effects and interactions.

Adalat memperbaiki suplai oksigen yang nyata ke miokardium, disertai berkurangnya kebutuhan oksigen. Adalat menunjukkan bukti obyektif tentang efek obat setelah terapi per oral, bahkan dengan dosis rendah. Adalat mempunyai rasio yang baik antara intensitas dan lama efek obat, serta toleransi yang baik.

" Adalat is a show - Promoolving around KD Pathak, a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional lawyer who is known as a 'Houdini' in circles of la...

Nifedipine (initially BAY a1040, then Adalat) was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer, with most initial studies being performed in the early 1970s. Official document Otto-Bayer prize, 1991 Letter Dr Knut Schauerte, patent rights Adalat tablets, 1987. Source: Family archive.

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